Deep cleaning checklist for your property

Deep cleaning your property requires a careful approach. The difference is striking when you make time to clean those hard-to-reach corners. Develop a cleaning routine first, then choose a room and assemble your cleaning tools. If you are having trouble cleaning your house completely, hire professional deep cleaning services. A thorough checklist can help you make sure nothing is missed.

Cleaning starts with removing the visible dirt layers and then sanitizing the home for germs. Below is an extensive list of things you must consider before cleaning your space. 

The complete checklist to maintain the cleanliness of your space

The checklist below will help you choose the most suitable option for hiring a deep cleaning company in Dubai. When looking for deep cleaning services near me, ask the service provider if they offer them.

1. Kitchen

  • First, dust the counters and use a damp microfiber cloth to clean them. 
  • Clean the cabinet pulls and external and interior doors. 
  • Wipe every kitchen appliance. 
  • Clean the dishwasher. You may use hot water and baking soda for that. 
  • Wipe the exterior and interior of appliances. 
  • Scrub the kitchen sink. 
  • Clean the floors (vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping). 

2. Rooms

  • Sort through clothes and other debris off the furniture and floor. Even if you are hiring deep cleaning services, declutter your home to avoid misplacing any object.
  • Wipe the tops of windows and doors, and change the curtains.
  • Use a glass cleaner to clean the glass windows.
  • Remove anything that doesn’t belong to a particular room.
  • Use a damp microfiber cloth and clean objects like photo frames, shelves, and furniture.
  • Change the bedsheets, cushions and other coverings.
  • Wipe the electronics with a damp microfiber cloth.
  • Disinfect remotes, game controllers, and similar small electronics using a cleanser.
  • Vacuum or sweep the floor.

3. Garage

  • Vacate the garage by removing everything.
  • Remove the items you do not need.
  • Wipe off storage bins, cabinets and other parts with a mild cleanser.
  • Arrange and replace items after cleaning the garage
  • Remove cobwebs from the ceiling
  • Dust the walls and shelves and wipe them with a mild cleaner. 
  • Sweep and wash the floor
  • Check if the garage door is fine. Repair if it shows any malfunctioning. 

4. Closets

  • Remove every item from the closet. 
  • Sort and separate the items you no longer need. It would be better if you cleaned the closet by yourself, as the staff from deep cleaning services may be unable to sort out useless things. 
  • Dust and wipe the empty shelves
  • Vacuum and clean floors
  • Arrange the items you are keeping.

5. Laundry room

  • Declutter by moving cleaning supplies into cabinets and removing laundry baskets and anything else on the floor.
  • Damp-wipe the light fixture or ceiling fan, and other surfaces, high to low.
  • Clean the washer and dryer’s exterior with a suitable cleaner.
  • Take an all-purpose cleanser to clean the cabinet doors and laundry counter.
  • Sweep and mop the floor.
  • Wash any dirty laundry.

When to call deep cleaning services?

There is no right time for deep cleaning, as many people call out the professionals regardless of a specific occasion. They just need to maintain the property’s appearance. There are several events where deep cleaning becomes essential:

1. Post-construction

If your property has undergone any construction or renovation work, it can be left with visible dust and debris. Professional cleaning is essential to clean construction residue and ensure the area is safe and clean.

2. Periodic cleaning

The season change presents unique challenges. From mud to pollen, the harsh winds deposit dirt on your property. However, a deep clean before the beginning of each season can resolve these specific challenges and revitalize your space.

3. Shifting

Deep cleaning makes sure the house is tidy for the next owners after you leave. In a similar way, you anticipate your new property to be tidy when you move there. Thus, deep cleaning ensures the environment is safe for everyone. 

4. Special occasions

Cleaning the property for any special event or gathering will make a good impression on guests. Post-event cleaning will ensure there are no lasting stains or dirt.

5. Unused spaces

Many rooms or areas that are not used frequently. They accumulate dirt and webs over time. Hiring deep cleaning services ensures they are cleaned and properly sanitized.

6. Regular maintenance

Timely cleaning of your property by professionals improves the lifespan of things and the entire property. It is also cost-effective in the long run. 

Clean every corner of your property

Nothing beats a house cleaning checklist for keeping your home fresh and clean. Professional deep cleaning services employ expert methods to provide the most thorough cleaning. With the help of their expert cleaning checklist, they can ensure we remember everything and finish the work quickly. Call Cleanly if you cannot determine which corner to start from. 

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