Get A Clean & Organized Space With Your Cleaning Squad!

Sofa, House, Offices/Commercial Cleaning Service etc.

Our Services

A Safe & Healthy
Environment Starts With
A Clean Space

We at Cleanly deliver top-notch professional cleaning services. Our team prioritise using cutting-edge technology and premium, environmentally-friendly cleaning products. Using the latest cleaning methods, we aim to create a hygienic, wholesome, and secure environment.

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2 Years Of
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Environment-Friendly Product
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Highly Skilled Cleaners
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Affordable Price
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Safe & Hygienic Environment
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2 Years Of Experience
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Environment-Friendly Product
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Highly Skilled Cleaners
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Affordable Price
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Safe & Hygienic Environment

What Makes Us The Best Cleaning Service Provider In Dubai?

In Dubai, there is no shortage of domestic or commercial cleaning services. Have you ever contemplated which one is best? Our company offers one of the best cleaning services in the UAE for the following reasons.

Professional and Bilingual Cleaners

Our multidisciplinary and bilingual cleaners are well-trained professionals work hard to keep your space spotless.

Eco-friendly Service

Our eco-friendly cleaning services leave your space sparkling without being cruel to the environment.

Affordable Prices

Call or text us at any time to book or reschedule an appointment for making your place clean and at a price you are comfortable with.

Proven Quality

With years of experience and a focus on quality over quantity, we will make sure your home is spick and span before you know it.

Feasible Booking

Schedule your  cleaning service with our online booking system hassle-free. 

Book your cleaning service in just a few clicks.

Our Services

We Make Your Mess Spotless And Disappear

Welcome to Cleanly, where we understand the importance of maintaining a clean environment for your home or office in bustling cities like Dubai. Our mission is to provide high-quality cleaning services that meet your needs and preferences. 


Our team of expert cleaners ensures thorough cleaning of your living or working area using only the best cleaning products and strict cleaning protocols. We know it’s easy to overlook cleaning in a busy city, but with our 24/7 availability, we’re here to help you keep your space spotless.


We offer customised and flexible green cleaning solutions tailored to your requirements at Cleanly. Our efficient, diluted, and eco-friendly cleaning products are designed to help you maintain a clean and healthy environment.

We believe a clean environment is essential for a healthy and happy life, and we’re committed to providing you with the best cleaning solutions that meet your needs. Trust us to make your space cleaner and healthier than ever before. Contact us today to schedule a cleaning service!

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